Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fall of an Empire - Conclusion

Pandora’s box has again been opened and along with pain, suffering, and sickness we have also released unabridged greed, which has touched all living things much to their detriment. The root motivation that has lead to the destruction of our environment can be traced to a single driving force…Greed. Greed leads the way to all of our societal shortcomings. We live in a Wal-Mart economy. An economy in which, cheap prices, 24-hour service, and convenience are valued at all cost. We need to ask ourselves if the luxury of a Wal-Mart on every corner is worth the cost of having millions of workers that have no health insurance due to low wages so that Wal-Mart can operate as the least cost provider. The Wal-Martization of the world’s economy will remove the few suppliers left from the market place that cares about its customers and the people they employ. The suppliers that have left the world supply chain are often ones that employed the hard working well-informed people we could count on when making purchasing choices. In the current economic trend the level of technical sophistication for the consumer must rise daily. Purchasers are expected to be well-informed buyers. The amount of information needed to make an informed purchase decision is becoming insurmountable. The quality of employees in the sales force has fallen to such a low level that they lack the mental capacity to understand the products they sell well enough to be of any assistance in the purchase decision. Our youth must be expected to be self-reliant. We cannot continue as a successful society in the current mode of operation. Many think that all answers can be bought or that we can rely on others to solve all our problems right down to the ones associated with the routine tasks of daily life.
The success of our society requires that: we all become better informed; we raise our own children and require trust and loyalty of others with severe consequences for those who violate it. We must stop listening to the fear mongers who’s only motive is to keep us glued to the television so they can sell us more junk that will not work and we do not need. While I may sound like someone who proclaims a Dooms-Day scenario we must remember history. The history of the world shows that all of the great societies fell while they were resting on their laurels. This country regardless of how mighty too shall fall if its citizens do not collectively pull together to re-establish trust, loyalty and morality.


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Oldtoytrucker said...

Mini, Will post more soon when time permits. Thank you for your input.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Very comprehensive analysis. Interesting.


At 8:00 AM, Blogger Donnie's Girl said...

Very thought provoking essay. Original and solid work. Well thought out and presented. I will continue to look for new writing from you.



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