The Fall of an Empire Part II
Change is not only inevitable but also necessary. When these changes of method and culture occur we must always be vigilant of possible negative outcome. We currently are in the pendulum swing of good times and prosperity. This is evident in the way our current society is spending like never before. It is easy to get caught up in the feelings of “I want what I want when I want it” and “it is new I have got to have it now.” Through our actions as a society we are saying that the next generation should have better than we did. This is sometimes true, but limits must established to prevent abuse of this paradigm. Items we need to be successful include: clothing, food, shelter, the best free education available and equal opportunities. There is yet another class of items society is saying they have a right to: new designer clothes, new expensive cars, new computers, cell phones, to dress however they like and most of all the right to expect someone else to pay for it. This society has an alarming number of twenty plus year olds that believe they should not have to work if they do not want to work. Further to that end they think those around them are obligated to provide all their wants and needs with no obligation. Where are these lost souls to end up 40 to 50 years from now when they have only their own kind to rely upon? The expiring generation has no other obligation to the previous one other than to leave the world as they found it. The current mature generations will leave as a legacy a society that will soon be morally bankrupt and unprepared for survival.
Thank you for your comment. I feel that it would be a great gesture to leave the world a better place than we found it. We have at this time a nearly unlimited opportunity to do so, considering the mess humans have made in such short order. Can we do this and not continue to confuse improvements with giving away the store to our offspring? If we could achieve this feat; then perhaps humans will not follow in the footsteps of other extinct species.
Mini, While writing this essay I understood that human society has wandered too far from survival of the fittest. It seems the most fit to survive in the current environment are those who are the most cunning or morally deprived in the very purest sense. Please do not misunderstand I know that within mankind most are great caring and wonderful people. I am not one who sees only the dark side of life. I only fear for what we are becoming and know change is needed for humans to continue successfully.
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